A blogpost on getting to know the wildlife in your garden, out on your doorstep or around the neighbourhood, through the incentive of wildlife recording / listing.
My front garden (2.5m x 1.5m)
So what things do you need to become a wildlife lister?
Not a lot really. I would say your main kit is a pen, paper and maybe some kind of a container or jar. Ok you might not have a butterfly net handy, but you could make do with that old pond net shoved in the back of the shed. You can involve the whole family, sending your minions (children or other-halfs) out to hunt things down for you and pot them up.
Starting off easy with a Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum)
Or use the stealth approach and take pics on your phone. The person with the best handwriting (not me) can then write everything down, or you can keep your list on handy apps like iNaturalist or iRecord.
Don't try to catch birds obviously - just make a note of them
White-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) on Hyacinth
The iNaturalist app is good for beginners as it helps match your photo to a species...
Then the record is added to the list on your phone...
However you don't need a photo for everything; just the species name, date and location are the essential details for a wildlife record
My next door neighbour's laurel bush
Here's a few of the things I've recorded on next door's laurel over the past two days...
Basking hoverfly
I think this little lady is Gwynne's mining bee Andrena bicolor (carrying pollen on her back legs means its a she)
Looking at the underside of the leaves... hidden away was this tiny Noble False Widow (Steatoda nobilis), one of our most common garden spiders in Brighton
Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis) male netted from the laurel
A tiny bee on Dandelion, I think this one is the Yellow-legged Mining Bee Andrena flavipes
Mum and Dad's fridge list which I had started just before lockdown... Have you been updating this guys?
Here are a few online resources to help you have a go at identifying things:
- Common garden wildlife - simple downloadable guides by the Natural History Museum https://www.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/identify-nature.html
- For birds you can give the RSPB bird identifier a try (though when testing it out I found it a bit hard myself!!) https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/identify-a-bird/
- I highly recommend these FSC fold out charts – they do a garden gift pack for £18 – great for your homeschool https://www.field-studies-council.org/product-category/publications/
- And Heritage Playing Cards do lots of different wildlife groups (great way for learning common species, I used them when first learning my garden birds) http://heritageplayingcards.com/index.php/garden-birds.html
Or if you get really stuck you can email me with your pics, as I seem to have a bit more time on my hands!
Its not just about listing wildlife though, we should also endeavour to help it where we can.
You can thank your local wildlife (and encourage them more into your garden) through these handy tips by the Wildlife Trust https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/looking-after-yourself-and-nature
Also see what's happening in Michael from the Sussex Wildlife Trust's garden via the Corona Wildlife Diary https://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/news/category/corona-wildlife-diary
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